Devil’s Game by Chloe Chadwick

Musicians often relate the music that they produce to real life situations, be they of a personal nature (experienced a situation themselves) or through a loved one, or it is written about someone they know or seen happen. That is the same with the new release from UK country artist, Chloe Chadwick who, with her first release in three years, brings the track, Devil’s Game. 

Speaking exclusively to Fine & Dandi about the track, and the meaning behind it, Chloe, once labelled by north-east media as the ‘Northern Country Queen’ and who now resides in Staffordshire after more than a decade on Tyneside, said: 

“Devils Game is a very personal and heart-wrenching song, and although it is written about someone else and the devastating path they took on the road to destruction, a one due to a gambling addiction, I also have a personal connection with the song myself.”

A true, yet harrowing tale of a slide into gambling, which finishes with the worst case scenario, Chloe tells how the background of the song came around, adding: 

“A couple of years ago I heard a dreadful story being told of a family based in the north-east, which is where I was living at the time. 

“This true story was about a woman who was happily married with two young children; she had everything going for her, the nice house, the good job, a loving husband, designer clothes, it really sounded like the perfect family. 

“The lady in question however started secretly gambling online, initially as a bit of fun, to try and maintain her spending habits without having to constantly rely on her husband. 

“Before she knew it, her addiction was very quickly spiralling out of control, and depression started to set in; so much so that she couldn’t see a way out. Finding herself in heavy debt she would keep this burden from anyone and would later decide to take her own life, and that’s exactly what she did.”

One of many aspects attributed to the onset of depression, gambling, along with other addictions like alcohol, drugs, more often than not end in the worst possible way, and not just for that one person either, the people left behind also carry a lifelong burden. 

The story of Chloe’s acquaintance left a lasting effect on the singer-songwriter and this, a tribute to the memories of those affected, sees the ‘Northern Country Queen’ add: “This touched me really deeply, and has opened my eyes to the fact that life is so very precious, but we can also be dealt a bad hand at any time. 

“The fact that this lady hadn’t sought support, or confided in her family, feeling the need to take her own, precious life, is such a travesty. 

“Little did I know myself is that this is happening all the time in this country, with families being torn apart by addiction, suicide and mental/physical abuse, all of which go hand-in-hand with mental health. 

“It’s because of this that I decided to write about it, and it just so happened that I ended up turning the story into a song and Devil’s Game was born! 

“Perhaps I would even go as far to say that some of my own experiences, difficult times, came into play when writing it, although it’s not easy to write about the things you want to forget.  

“I have witnessed the effects of gambling and alcohol addiction from a previous relationship I was in. 

“This combination completely turned my world upside down for three, long years; it’s not something I like to fully open up about as part of me (even now) does feel embarrassed, and bringing up the past is something I try and ignore at times because it brings back bad memories that you try to erase so I can understand why people in those difficult situations, or in abusive relationships, don’t like to seek support because they feel that nobody will listen to them, or even think that they are being stupid. 

“There is help out there though and I for one now know that. 

“I (finally) went to my family for help and eventually I told them everything and they literally saved me from a relationship that was destined to potentially end in a travesty itself.” 

Now for Chloe, three long years after leaving the north-east and heading down South, life has got better for the musician who, in 2017, released her debut album, Dustbowl Jukebox, amid mass acclaim. 

Granted the times have changed, in more ways than one, but some things do actually stay the same, you just have to look, and be patient.  

“I am extremely thankful to my family for being there for me as it was a real tough time. 

“Now, three years on, and I am in an amazing place; I am back in my hometown of Nantwich, Cheshire, and I’ve spent some time finding myself, soul-searching even, over the past couple of years. 

“I went on a health kick and lost weight, I started doing sports again, something which I hadn’t done since I left school, and I am now happily engaged and due to marry my soulmate in May 2021!” 

Any parting words from Chloe, as we currently wade our way through seemingly uncertain times in the world –  

“Yes; in a world full of uncertainty, now more than ever, people are being affected by addiction and, in turn, mental health, and I honestly believe it’s down to the changes that are affecting our everyday lives. 

“Lockdown, people staying at home, losing their jobs, not knowing what’s going to happen from one day to the next, it’s now more than ever we need the awareness and support around us, to guide us into coping and dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, being in abusive relationships, and addiction. 

“There are lots of organisations that are there to help, support and to even just listen, and if my song helps others to think about their path and to take a step back, then my song is for those people. 

“As the Beatles once sang, “All We Need Is Love” Amen to That…” 

Devil’s Game, the new single from Chloe Chadwick, will be available on all digital platforms on Friday August 14. 

Keep up-to-date with all things Chloe Chadwick on social media channels Facebook and Twitter and via the website