After thinking this over for the past few weeks I’ve decided to make some changes to the website name and branding going forward. As the site has developed and I’m getting more stories from others and interest around mental health it was only right to fine an alternative name than the previous one. The site has quickly developed into a “website” rather than just a “blog” so with this in mind, I felt a change was needed.
With this in mind after some searching, I’ve come up with the name “Fine and Dandi”.
The reasoning for the change to Fine and DandI is for a couple of reasons. We’ve all heard the term “Fine and Dandy” which we people can or will often say when asked how they are which relates well to the mental health side of this and I also wanted to give that a slight twist, so I’ve changed “Dandy” to “DandI” (with an I) which is also stands for Diversity and Inclusion.
Diversity is the range of human differences both physically and mentally and Inclusion is involvement and empowerment, where the worth and dignity of all people are recognised and that is something that I’d like to get across with the new name.
Take a look at the new logo and graphics below.

Stay tuned for more updates, posts and stories in due course.
In the meantime, please feel free to check the new site. Let me know your thoughts and please contact me if you’d like to discuss anything.