ANNOUNCEMENT – What’s next

ANNOUNCEMENT – What’s next

Fine and Dandi was started with the intention of raising awareness around mental health, helping someone who maybe struggling and showing everyone, they don’t have to suffer alone.

After the success over the past 18 months with Fine and Dandi there have been some talks about “what’s next”. One thing I have always wanted Fine and Dandi to do is to progress naturally and take the routes that work best going forward.

After some fantastic talks with a good friend, we have now decided the time is right to take the next step in this journey and its with great delight we can announce its now Fine and Dandi’s aim to work towards fund raising and setting up as a charity. We want to get involved in raising awareness around mental health and take the next step and help as many people as we can through our fundraising efforts. Stay tuned for more plans that will be announced in due course.

One of the phrases I’ve used from the start of this is “working together the possibilities are endless”. We have a goal and I’ve no doubt that together we can make this a reality.

We wanted to get this message out early and encourage anyone who would like to either donate or fund raise to get in touch. Mental Health Awareness week if just around the corner and what better way to set a challenge and raise some funds? If you would like to donate you can here and if you would like to join the team, please contact us.

Every single penny raised will go back into raising awareness around mental health.