Now only days away from my first ever Great North Run I thought I’d give an insight as to how and why I am running the Great North Run.
Over a number of years now I’ve always taken pictures on and around the Tyne Bridge of the Red Arrows and runner and I’ve always said to myself “one day”. Year on year I’d always think “one day” I will do this until 3 or 4 years back my “one day” changed to “I’ll do this before I’m 35”. The challenge was set and now the years are running out. I’m 35 next year but I’ll have passed 35 by the time the run comes around so this year is the final chance to do as I say :-).
Here are some of the pictures from over the years whilst stood with a camera on, or beside the Tyne Bridge which really is a fantastic place to witness first hand just how good the run is.

As my photography business drew to a close there were a couple of situations I was involved with that could have been very serious for the people involved due to issues with mental health and from those moments I decided that I would like to try to help others who have struggles or issues and let everyone know “Its Ok to Not Be Ok”. Whilst I’ve never suffered with a mental health issue, seeing someone struggling with them first hand is awful and that’s something I believe we can all change by opening up and talking.
Whilst still having the platform for my photography business on social media, I felt it right to try to continue to use it to promote mental health and use it to help others as I believe together we can all end the stigma around mental health.
I may have held off until the last year to do it (before 35) but I feel this year now has a purpose and gives me that extra motivation to do it so what better way than to run for a Mind who are brilliant for anyone suffering with mental illness.
Training wise things tailed off at the start of the year due to various reasons and when I thought time was running out I decided that desperate times call for desperate measures so I upped the training at a quicker rate that I would have liked going from 4 miles to 6, 8 and last weekend 10 (before driving to London…).
Here are some of my training runs using various apps.
The Great North Run has always been an iconic event for our region and whilst there has been an interest and the “one day” thoughts I make no underestimations about the challenge. Its 13 (yes thirteen) miles, I’m not a runner and I certainly didn’t run any great deal of distance prior to entering the ballot. I always enjoyed cycling and tackled the Great North Bike ride a few years back (60 miles from Seahouse to Tynemouth) but the thought of the Great North Run always remained in the back of my mind and a challenge I’d rise to.
I’ve enjoyed training the last 6 weeks and eating properly so I am now as prepared as I can be and whilst I’m no Mo Farah I plan on enjoying the day and taking it all in. Who knows I may even look to sign up next year…
I’ve put the finishing touches to my running vest that was kindly sent out by Mind and I’m ready, bring on the run 🙂

If anyone would like to sponsor me for the run please click on the link below. Every penny raised goes directly to such a fantastic cause and charity in Mind.
Keep an eye out for another post next week as I go through the run 🙂