Tag: personal stories

Art my Medicine

I have suffered in silence for many years. As a teenager, I had no idea what was happening to me. Everybody always perceived me as a bit anti-social, very shy and a geek. I was a high achiever, and although it did not make me very likeable amongst my peers, it helped to overshadow my…
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Sarah Hollebon – Living with Anxiety and PTSD

My name is Sarah. I am an emerging fashion designer with a mission to open up the conversation on social issues. I have suffered from anxiety since the age of 11 and have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from two separate incidents. The first incident happened when I was in my teens and the second one…
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Gary Mutimer – “Lost”

In 2016, I was a very carefree individual with no financial or physical health worries and life with my partner Sarah was what I would consider to be perfect.  We were happy and very much looking forward to the future.  The year spun round to September, I was living in my hometown of Sunderland. I was…
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David James Softley – Believe in yourself, be brave, be strong.

Throughout my life I have suffered with major anxiety. There have been many times when I felt like the world was against me, I’ve been on the verge of ending my life numerous times. However, I am proud to say that over the past 3 years I have been able to turn my life around…
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There are lots of demands on my time, but I strive to live the best life that I can.

Hi people I am Vicki, I am 46 with a lovely husband Richie and an eight-year-old son Ewan. I run a small family business Safesol with help from my dad. Safesol are a family business that sell chemicals and offer consultancy services for legionella control. We mainly sell Huwa-San, silver hydrogen peroxide disinfectant which is…
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